The Timber-lee Week

A smattering of photos from my week at Timber-lee volunteering as a nurse and hanging out with my favorite summer 2004 health office hottie Stephanie Fidlin. 

A. Steph and I had an awesome time (Thursday morning excluded [we laughed, we cried, we hurled]). Shout out to Abigail, Camden, Courtney, Rachel, and Katie. They had no idea what shenanigans they were getting into letting us join them for a week(yay for Chinese food in the health office!!). Thanks for T-Lee staff for making us definitely feel like we were coming home and taking the time to hang out Saturday afternoon and evening.

B. I rode an e-scooter for the first time with my new "biker" gang the SONS OF ARTHRITIS. I think my plane could have lost a wing an engine and both pilots on the way home and still would have been safer then riding those things through the hustle and bustle of downtown Milwaukee :) 

Thanks to all who made the trip back home both fun and memorable. 

Camp Timber-lee Lauderdale La-Grange Fire and Rescue Tracy Kapela Diana Jean Kovacs Adam Godson Kellie Lane Strong Jessica Brandt Jen Dascher Prowitz Dave Prowitz Jason Arndt Katie Burrow-Jones Camden Lindell Abigail Jitter High  @courtney @rachel    

Follow me on instagram @medic1480

(Click on Photos in Gallery to view full screen)