
Every Vlog, Blog, or article I read on building an Instagram or photography following says to stick to one type of photography. Either portraits or animals or street photography or landscapes…..but not to change from one to another once you’ve established a routine. I get it…but it seems to me that having an outlet that is as broad as photography can lend itself to experimentation outside of normal habits. So while this post may seem a bit out of my norm I consider it part of the growing process.

Follow me on Instagram @medic1480

View and purchase this and other images at: medic1photography.com

#BlackandWhite #bubble #Cimarron, #Clean #dark #drip #drop #water #glass #large #liquid #monochrome #motion #NorthAmerica #Phoenix #splashing #droplet #spray #TheAmericas #UnitedStatesofAmerica #vertical #Water #wave #Wet #azfamily #fox10phoenix #abc15arizona #yourshotphotographer #adventurethatislife #Arizona #Phoenix #canon1dxmarkii