Homecoming Weekend at Luther College Part II

I’ve been slacking a little (ok a lot!) in getting photos from homecoming edited and ready for upload. I had great hopes for plenty of fall pictures from around Luther College and Decorah but the weather, in true midwest fashion, just wasn’t cooperating. As such I only have a few photos to share, but the upside of the weather was that I didn’t worry about running around the city to get as many shots as I could and instead was able to spend the time reconnecting with so many Luther friends. The turnout for homecoming this year was awesome and it was amazing to see so many people I spent so much time with 20 years ago. As with most shared experiences the bond between Luther grad’s is very close and the time spent there will always hold a special place in our hearts. To my fellow classmates from the class of ‘99, it was so good to see all of you and I wish you all continued happiness and success. #SoliDeoGloria

Check out these and other images: medic1photography.com

Follow me on Instagram @medic1480